domingo, 9 de diciembre de 2007


Unzaga, 1914 (Chile)

Villanueva, 1928 (Peru)
Unzaga and Villanueva are two immortals to the Southern Cone of America futbolizada who played this for the love of the shirt in their respective countries, at both club and selection. Unzaga in the physical appearance took advantage on the rest of the South American figures who competed in the concert of selections for the first two quarter of the twentieth century. Apart from being educated was insatiable in the practice of athletics, elastic waist and spine. His skill with the ball was admirable, enjoying the admiration of those who saw him play and that left some of his testimony to be under competitive nicknamed trizaga by journalism of the era, qualifying supplementary admiration for his efforts, along with its exquisite technical high stringency generous, it did assert earned by three. Those who saw playing football decatleta, are not having problems in the same party running several Chilean.

Other its diabluras was to jump astride over the head of the opponent. A scissor beyond what is usual that a normal human being could perform, this is the game that usually can be triggered either front to reject the ball or half turn to the right and left to convert a beautiful goal, and Semi rotary limit in the air, doing a sort of half Chilean. Some columnists Peruvians insist on majadería to sustain, permanently, that the Chilean done by unzaga in the year 1917 had been renamed the detriment of the chalaca and know their new nationality and point out that only in Spain in 1927 was released this name , copied information from the text issued by the Argentine journalist Jorge Barraza who writes for the South American Football Confederation. It would have to ask: if he does in his personal capacity or on behalf of that organization, of which Chile is a founding member. His chronic harms the interests of Chilean history of the game to be based on oral traditions, generalities that can not be demonstrated with photographs, date and precise location of the court where he was executed for the first time, that is. Stresses in mythology. To date this information has remained undiminished "Yahoo Answers" as a fact of life after the publication of the newspaper El País of Spain.


I think it's well intentioned and not written by harming our country, as opposed to many doubt their intentions. Admittedly his style sharp, well-coordinated, based on the investigation of diffusive means it had at its disposal. Not for nothing is in the position he currently holds. Nor, he has offended Chile and why we are not doing so. His only mistake can be reflected in the climax completion, which has enabled some columnists Peruvians knowing your country information from the player who made the first Chilean, and to hide this eventuality say anything controversial. In this informative issue should desterrarse any ambiguity, as are many governments throughout the world who believe owning a beautiful dream. So much information is uploaded to the Internet site that identifies the name of a German player who would have invented in 1918, an event somewhat preposterous to believe by the prevailing bloody and catastrophic First World War between countries of the European continent that began in the years 1914. No. I use the cremillas interpretative to be as objective as possible, writing at the bottom of the letter disclosed by journalist Mr Jorge Barraza. According to oral traditions, the play was put in vogue in the late nineteenth century in Callao, gateway to Peru, and hence the name favored by Peruvians. In those days were frequent clashes between Chilean and Peruvian sports through travel Valparaiso and Callao. It was there sailors and footballers Chilean and British have been doing this wonder futbolera. It reinforces the fact that the hypothesis at the beginning, the same Chilean himself called chalaca, says Argentine journalist Jorge Barraza, one of the proponents of the theory.


Carlos Alejandro Martinez Villanueva, Peru is considered one of the greatest idols football throughout its history, a symbol of the Club Alianza Lima, was born on June 4, 1908, and died of tuberculosis at 35 years of age, April 11 , 1944. He spent his childhood in the streets of Malambo, but then her family moved to the Wonders Street, where he lived for several years. Unlike Unzaga, he was not a player who ran, was characterized by his good technique, I walked the pitch to trancos long, it seemed measured with his gaze. They say he liked the inspiration, make genialidades with the ball, inventing plays that nobody ever had, as the "Caracol" immortal recognition when he scored in a game of the national championship in 1928, played before the Selected Ica. This wonderful move is in the annals of the history of Peruvian soccer, never before seen in Lima. "Caracol", it was recalled for a long time in Lima in particular. In his story Villanueva, said: I saw the pass at half water and jalé backs back there and got a closed admiration and applause of joy. This action was in the retina of the Peruvian public as a perfect break from the waist and lifting, because the teacher had invented called as a new move for them. The porteños of Callao the endorse, and that is why we put him "Chalaca." The move has old testimony from journalists Peruvian Andres Rodriguez as Victor Leiva (varleiva), considered the Bible of the sport in the country roots. Villanueva, belonged to the hosts Club Alianza Lima, dubbed by his high stature as "hose". The club was always his love affairs until his death Alianza Lima, despite tempting offers from abroad preferred to stay in their homeland. Among his accomplishments was pleased to get involved with the success of several championships. In thanks to his brilliant career, including the invention of the snail, Alianza Lima Stadium bears his name.

THE Chronicle of MR. BARRAZA.

Acertada or not correct, leaves us their input as the same as noted in the qualifier theory, it is not a sustainable precedent that while the argument has some strength, lacking in the absence of a timely display that identifies the fact with photos, player's name and exact date when the move was made to not resist calling Chilean. What, for belonging to the Confederation Sudamericana with this kind of argument can not pretend to ignore the massive argument chronicles several countries attesting to the true origin of the play. What, prominent journalists from the Peruvian press belie what, to confirm that a player of Alianza Lima was illuminated for the first time to make the move that will eventually nominated snail, even christened chalaca. What, referring to Chilean football, identified only at the port of Valparaiso, disregarding a Talcahuano, where he invented the game. What, his vision on how to enshrine news and football back centuries had no effect of conjugation in the context of clashes team consolidated within a framework of seriousness competitive and organized and imbued with history explicit. With theories can not be patented move in this Cup. There is a relevant fact and noteworthy, I mean the Club Atletico Chalaco, a club soccer Peruvian province of Callao that was founded on June 9, 1902, popularly known as the lion Porteño, was the first Peruvian team that officially traveled to Chile to play a quadrangular at the St. Louis teams of Quillota, Santiago Wanderers in Valparaiso and Colo Colo in Santiago, in order to heal the wounds of war that there were between the two countries. Colo Colo was founded on April 19, 1925. As for that Chileans also called the move chalaca, it is possible, because at that time also usábamos peasant language understandable to the little alien, diffusive full of jargon via our long territory, then joined with centralism environment sports generated by the football, allowing downplay largely dissemination of this activity. Such is the case, which until very recently there was disinformation accurately the origin of the play. Nor, we should overlook that the Peruvian cuisine uses the term chalaca and even a village of a plantation in the country is called with the same terminology. And it is possible that could have happened here a misunderstanding of application referring to the chalaca. Finally, we should add that the only valid information and the official is masterful move by Villanueva in 1928 that Peruvians themselves described as "Caracol".

To Villanueva, Peruvians remember him with wonderful musical compositions between polka and waltz. In tribute to this illustrious immortal in his memory, I took the following composition of the first two stanzas:

Alejandro Villanueva. (Pedro Espinel Peruvian Waltz).

The sun despuntaba, announcing a new day.

On the streets warned, a scramble morning

And in the Nosocomio, a life is extinguished

After their slow agony departed for eternity.

Memories of other times come to my memory

today As an echo of history, an excerpt of yesterday

That great athlete who gave the name and glory

A national sport as among the aces!

¡Continental Figure!

A poetic tribute really beautiful. My congratulations. As Ramon Unzaga is a forgotten in the polls Chilean journalism. In tribute to his participation in football of yesteryear, and in gratitude to the sponsors of the play, with music and lyrics by my authorship wrote tango SPORT OF BALON, which rises to the Internet if someone is interested in burn, is communicated to my mail.


Rotation and translation,

The Sports Ball

That makes the world furor.

In the twenties

It played for love,

By the feet and head

Riding the leather.

With straps and seams:

Pure football and tesonero

It has not lost beauty

Nor his clear excitement.

There transfer systems,

Rotation of players,

Permanent championships

By cup champions.

Let into oblivion

Famous who have left,

The white selections

Directed by Bertone

To Ramon the forgotten

I dedicate this song,

Inventor of the Chilean

Amateur heart.

The Argentine brothers,

Baptized in his honor.

What a beautiful move

more The signal decathlon! ..

Today I hope that this tango,

To reflect in Argentina

Shifting borders

The Morena America,

When making a Chilean

Be reminded its inventor:

A Unzaga of this land,

Famous for his invention.


The diving journalistic sport sometimes diversifies history information añosas difficult clarifying its content over time by the fact happened with a distorted analysis. The lack of acuciosidad becomes sometimes, in some creative inventions deficiency display last unwritten with indelible ink, or whose role yellowish to bring badly punished for the running of forgetting that for a few decades is lost in the silence and, that leaves no trace of evidence in the proper accommodation of the veracity of information. To be just as interested in the subject, I shook and drew attention to the chronic referring to the late nineteenth century and the beginning of the century, had already seen some wonderful Blacks perform the move known as Chilean throughout the universe and football in response to a Spanish newspaper he had been given credit for this story, a pirueta equivalent of the population of blacks from the port of Callao. This information is uploaded to the computer network for the purpose of creating controversy in other places where the game is known under different names because of ignorance of its precursor. Excuse Me!. But already know… To my knowledge, never Chileans have called the move chalaca. We must not confuse the chalacos with chalaca… Continuing with my own file librarian, the main link with England this Morena America was business contact through the industrial revolution to the invention of the steam machine. In Peru peaked by the sale of its guano (1850-1870). In Chile: Valparaiso, Talcahuano or other ports with the installation of companies permitted English vapors from the years of 1840 integrated with the exchange of maritime commerce, being the first port Tome Pacific exporter of wheat. This is only an illustrative prelude before abocarme the heart of the matter. It is true that in the last decade of the nineteenth century and early twentieth century, sailors step sport practiced by El Callao. What they did with British residents in Lima and the port above, the vast majority were elite groups with some Peruvians who traveled to England to study those today, have built their own story, with the introducer Alejandro Garland this game in 1852-1912, after having studied and higher in England and Germany, and their return brought the practice of football. The British community was important at this point in Peru for elite sports involving young men who had studied in the United Kingdom were very few Peruvians who had the privilege of doing as a whole. His true version mind that until the last decade of the nineteenth century is beginning to show a gradual increase in a greater number of encounters between clubs with early organizing tournaments. His information compiled until año1894 involves challenges between football lineups limeñas and the chalacos since it was formed by the respective British and other Peruvian. The chalaca yet to emerge. In Peru there were three social groups that practiced football in its infancy: British resident immigrants, who were British ports in step with young people from the local elite who had learned in England. Much later, spread to the working class and its natives. Residents Englishmen were more akin to the practice of a sport called criket and tennis and other activities emblematic for them. Already in 1865 appears Lima Criket and Lawn Tennis engaged in other sporting activities. Their presence had heyday by the operation of guano with skilled workforce and the workers, but the increase in immigrants had a setback at the beginning of the twentieth century and, as a result of the Pacific War also produced a long silence him in sports activities. This is a rough indication of landscape so long and complex topic to discuss. There are repetitive events in the country's north highlighting the Journal Trade with the meetings at the camp called St. Sophia, challenges football between Lima and chalacos of lineups formed especially for English surnames with other teams Peruvians. The Chalaca yet emerge. The elite groups in Peru were well accented by criteria spaces British exclusivity, without privileges of the local natives and settlers at the time, maintaining these features until the end of the nineteenth century. Legitimate consider is that while not melt the real institutions devoted to football, everything boils down to simple pichangas of alegrada youth trainee with mixtures of other sports. Such is the case, it relates to the fútbol-rugby became known as a single sport called football later separated by differences in implementation of regulations with the use of both hands and feet, and that relates to football schism of that practice. In fact, the game reaches Peruvian real relevance in the first decade of the twentieth century which was founded in large institutions like Club Atletico Chalaco and glorious Alianza Lima and the very Peruvian Football Association. For reasons hard to explain the evolution of their football is not for lack of enthusiasm, had a backlog, especially in the South American participatory concert. But in the interior of their country highlights groups of students from various colleges in their efforts always tried to make foundations of football clubs, without support from education authorities. However, what was sustainable marine influence of the great Englishmen who lived centuries ago in the neighboring country, the innate and exquisite technique that is the keeper Peruvian player in the development of the ball flush soil. This privilege is not reached to afford a player from their ranks, to be the precursor of the beautiful game created by Ramon Unzaga, at the beginning of the football competition between countries with official championships organized testimony to the press. In addition, there is some truth, that the case requires, attribute the invention of the Chilean for the chronic lack of a serious investigation done with the background comprobatorios that journalism of the day deserves.


Concluding the first gulf of information flourishes chalaca full majesty and glory, published as wind rose beyond the four directions of communication for the sporting world aseverativo background. It is fair to pay tribute through my pen to Peruvian footballer Club Alliance of Lima, Carlos Alejandro Martinez Villanueva, born a June 4, 1908 in a traditional neighborhood of Lima. As it is fair to cite the chronic written by Don Dario Mejia, a document that is valid to cite the source of information makes it possible to take into account respect for the history of a brother country which believes to be right. It features a sports journalist Victor Rodriguez Leiva (varleiva) known in the world for its scope as "The Bible of Sport" who credited the merits of Villanueva by nicknamed "hose" to spend the entire day at the pool of Wonders. Then he says that he went to live at the Victoria and that is where out as football player. The most important event with regard to their skills and mastery of the ball that we are interested because of the controversy created by the journalist Jorge Barraza, is the Next: "Alejandro Villanueva is considered the inventor of football cheerful, smart, mischievous, then to be filled in many generations of players and the Club has identified Alliance of Lima. He who invented moves that had never before been seen in Lima. In 1928 he invented, scoring one goal, "snail" or "chalaca" move that would be known later in the world as "Chilean". The excerpts from my recent chronicles are sufficiently explanatory with the contribution of a complete history, biography, photos certifying other media. With regard to the move of this beautiful verse, his cave information is located in the landmark year 1914.


Creator of the scissors, The Media and the Chilean perfect. He wants to reach God commented the choreros When in the historic stadium saw El Morro UNZAGA perform meters beyond its area Almost suicidal move

Creator of the scissors, The Media and the Chilean perfect. He wants to reach God commented the choreros When in the historic stadium saw El Morro UNZAGA perform meters beyond its area Almost suicidal move .- In deciding to write this chronicle about the invention of masterful move UNZAGA difficult to overcome, I must thank Mr journalist Danilo Diaz's most prestigious newspaper of Chile. It could not be otherwise for educational excellence and seriousness of the newspaper El Mercurio of Santiago, which means as few diffusive was deference to cite the source of information to refute the incredible story of a newspaper from abroad. On this occasion I must take the Peruvian claim that, without any sustainable argument for his own footballing nationality seeks to disqualify our solid argument claiming that the Chilean is Peruvian, testimony also wrong in saying that his move called chalaca in its territory, had been renamed by the Argentine press in the year 1917, whose argument escapes all logic of the annals of the history of football in the region. On the other hand, argued that Ramon was Unzaga Spanish, at the time, to be composed of Chile in the early confrontations of South American teams of this continent. It can be considered a nonsense paragraph that says so. This is contained in the relevant period of physical activity amateur, before joining already had our selection of Chilean nationality. His offspring's home was wonderful basque people that like many of them, after the colonial period sowed gene family in this long and narrow strip of land. The claim underestimate sport of another country with such a lexicon, it is not advisable for the purpose of journalism that deals on the basis of information sources authentic in all fields of sports. The Chilean law allows some foreigners by grace or by right of soil or other regulations take our nationality, as is the case with this great figure that since most children saw him grow with the affection and warmth of the Chilean people, making it one of their many idols. The reminiscences are also enshrined in international fraternity with surnames Community relating to the example of Europe and that has a connection with recruitment of athletes from different parts of the world. The South American Confederation was founded in the continental spectrum in the year 1916, along with Uruguay, Argentina, Brazil and Chile. Peru, joined the organization many years later. For this circumstance, to say the least, I think a boldness in stating that the move was renamed. Why renamed ?...¿ Which is why…? Of course, the usual costumbrismo people proverbial localism, allow circumvention veracidades by lack of information or believe to be the real perpetrators. The more, if it has not participated in the first fair involving sports broadcasting medium of the moment to events. It is indeed likely that Peruvians call the play chalaca, but that does not mean to give it perfect contortion of the Chilean. Different sense in other continents of the world, where the play called with another name. As in Brazil call her bicycle, now in all its sites on the Internet, Unzaga recognized as the precursor of the game and with the verbal acrobatics of Chile; continuing with France, England, China, Italy, Portugal, etc. These… mirrors sonantes law, lawyers qualifies as only those…. Hopefully, the president of the Professional Association of our football and, representing the Federation of our football, Mr Harold Mayne-Nicholls, included in the website of his organization, the history of Chile and confirmed to FIFA . This page belongs to the Chilean sports course of the early development of the physical field in the amateur absolute integration of a whole country divided into regions with affection citizen participatory love for the shirt of each locality, which competed in the brotherly meeting. The daily business leaders who work for profit, erase and forget this field with lights that shine themselves in times of yesteryear, in the mystical effort, and muscle quality of teaching transpirada and more classic trousers below the knee. His prize was only medals. For the football Chile grows not enough schools professionalism, we must invest in organized amateur sport, building adequate infrastructure sites. Here is the source of human resources of the projection football, because this is art as well as journalism, the player is born, not made, only upgrades. RAMON UNZAGA ASLA, has been transformed by his invention in a permanent ambassador for the country in all corners of the world. But of the ironies of life and entrenched centralism, the press, the activity produced and directed from Santiago, have never tried to make a posthumous reminder of the dispute with a trophy and galvanos. Apparently, it has not been sizing what it means for the country's international reputation, and his entire contribution to football in our life.


On December 30, 1918, there is a statement textual UNZAGA, for the newspaper El Sur de Concepcion: "On two occasions the referee took me by missing a jump luxury giving to reject the ball (it was mediozaguero) claiming that fouleaba the opponent River. The same player took advantage of my game and the referee took me to cap it all, I lack. I saw forced observarle the referee his mistake, alegándole that I recognized judges had not punished. It continued after a change of words that brought resulted in the order of Mr. Beitía (the referee) to leave the pitch. I refused to leave the pitch to "settle accounts." What I did and next outside élla I had with Mr. Beitía a change of slapping ".- This story happened in the classic encounter played at the stadium El Morro selections Talcahuano and Concepción. The match suspended due to the assistance of 4,000 spectators when the team was imposed by the port has three goals to zero. How angry was not going to "pussy!" Affectionately, so called in the area penquista. If he were punishing his masterly move: "The Chilean" which was created in the mythical Morro in 1914. their skills, the referee Beitía left badly stopped, something mariado of this exchange of blows. A story to remember. If we go back to the cultural aspect of that time, Unzaga was a man prepared by the degree of meter, and very fine language. A pije as saying his son Ramon Unzaga Zapata, well-dressed head to foot, a little light of genius, as some say, for his Basque descent. Friends of Talcahuano must be maintained candil ignition on the Morro looking to the distant horizon of tender sea island that surrounds them, and with the deepest joy tattooed on the memory of the old school Chorera, the incomparable Navy, a name that outside Chile . Replace the emotion acostumbramiento of acid and sweet to the usual success futboleros past days, with the chest always henchido. In international forums for collective opinion, expresses the sentiment qualifier how to date, highlighting skills contortions as the best Chilean conducted on the grass of a football field. Being at a disadvantage in the view displayed across the screen, we will have to settle in the oral tradition and written to pay tribute to two figures jugglers ball that comprised the team anchor in the mid-1950's: Sergio "zoquete "Gonzalez and Jose" pinga "Bravo. Traversing the look of the screens and European nationals, I included as a Chilean acrobatic perfect run at the stadium of El Morro Talcahuano. It is a center of the left side of Gonzalez and appears as a real thrombus completely suspended in the air by split seconds, "pinga" Bravo. Mete a spectacular goal by Chilean without relying turned down or back off the ground. It was a wonderful goal ghost, as the archer and the public only realized to meet the ball inside the mesh of the arch. Fans ovacionaron for long minutes incredible contortion.


This story begins when Ramon Unzaga, home basque, a native of the port of Bilbao, migrate along with their parents at the age of twelve years from Spain to Chile. Enter and ends his studies accounting at the College of Parent Escolapios, only school that existed for the entire southern Chile. Following his studies, he began working in the Department of Accounting in the ore SCHWAGER. This mineral is publicized, particularly as futbolista.En the year 1912 at the age of 18 years, a delegation of sports Talcahuano, impressed by the tremendous quality of the boy, it integrates football Prime Puerto Military Chile. Here begins his brilliant football career and takes Chilean nationality, becoming a main figure to wear the casaquilla nacional.La first time that Ramon Unzaga AsIa, made the move was in the year 1914 at the local level in the Historical Field of El Morro Talcahuano- during that integrates the famous port selection (better known as the School Chorera) champion for several years title Chile.Se called "Chilean", a move that scissor that returns the ball back to opponent. A hand full of strength, balance and aesthetic sense. This action achieves international relevance in the South American Championship held in the city of Viña del Mar, in the year 1920, with the participation of the selections of Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay and Chile. In this championship, UNZAGA, again repeating his classic play, registering his name in the history of football, after the Argentine press the bautizara with the name of "The Chilean." All South American soccer played UNZAGA, Chile was seen and admired by Uruguayans, Argentines and Brazilians, who also learned, practiced and disseminated throughout the world, making this a great honor to our país.Cuando Edson Arantes do Nascimento "PELÉ, was playing port Talcahuano with his club Santos of Brazil in a friendly match with Sporting Naval- maravilló with his class, including a Chilean. Francis Wilson Ugalde "FRANWILL", the most prestigious sports journalist in the city of Concepcion, at the time, said days later in prominent characters: "UNZAGA, was superior to" PELE. "That says it all ... chroniclers Uruguayan in his comments called: TRlZAGA, because according to them worth three, and also because in his country maravilló for his famous play. This man was a complete athlete: first in the 100 meters flat, 110-meter hurdles, high jump, and jump with garrocha, great swimmer, waterpolista and better clavadista.Otra great move, which was also his label and that thousands of fans saw in the Field El Morro, was astride jump cleanly over the head of opponent to steal high and reject the ball, thus preventing the danger involved. This was not the dissemination of Chilean, because nobody outside it could make.

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